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We are an independent and responsive law firm focusing on complex dispute resolution work.


We appear regularly before the Singapore Courts and arbitral tribunals. We often act as Counsel for other law firms as well as insolvency practitioners. Various international law firms have also appointed us as Singapore Counsel. We are experienced Supervising Solicitors in the execution of Search Orders.


Our practice is both international and domestic. Our clients include multi-national companies, public listed companies, local and foreign small & medium enterprises, and high net-worth individuals and families. Many are based overseas, including South East Asia, China and the USA. With this diverse set of clients, each of our lawyers is fluent in at least two languages.


Representative matters include:


1. Joint venture and shareholder disputes

  • Acting for a group of companies with significant assets across Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia facing actions by a shareholder in various jurisdictions.

  • Acted as Counsel for two sisters in a shareholders’ dispute relating to various companies with assets exceeding SGD 100 million.  The issues included whether the companies were a quasi-partnership or were akin to one, whether the relationship among shareholders had irretrievably broken down, whether the plaintiffs were trapped in the companies and whether it would be just and equitable to wind up the companies.  This case is reported as Tan Bee Hong Blossom and another v Tan Seng Keow Doreen and others [2020] SGHC 89

  • Acted for a public-listed company in the United Kingdom in a SGD 5.5 million shareholders' dispute.


2. Fraud, conspiracy and claims for breach of duties

  • Acting for an individual in his claim for fraudulent misrepresentation and conspiracy against three defendants for over USD 1.6 million, and obtaining pre-trial Mareva injunction orders.

  • Acted for an individual and a company in their claim against various defendants for SGD 2.8 million for fraud, and obtaining pre-and post-trial Mareva injunction orders.

  • Acting for an individual in a USD 9 million suit involving allegations of fraud and conspiracy, and setting aside a Mareva injunction.

  • Acted for an international shipping line in a USD 1.9 million claim against its previous agents in South Korea for breach of agreement and breach of the agents' fiduciary duties.

  • Acted for two Defendant-directors in claims against them for breach of fiduciary duties and conspiracy. The case is reported as Hup Huat Food Industries (S) Pte Ltd v Liang Chiang Heng and Others [2003] SGHC 244.


3. Injunctions

  • Acted for two individuals and a Hong Kong company in a multi-million dollar claim involving allegations of fraud and conspiracy, and multiple Mareva injunctions.

  • Acted for a company against its former employees, and obtaining a pre-trial Anton Piller Order.

  • Acted for an individual in a SGD 4.6 million claim involving complex fraud and a Mareva injunction.

  • Acted for a PRC national involving a multi-million dollar claim and Mareva injunctions in Hong Kong and Singapore.


4. Corporate Insolvency and related matters


5. Commercial and contractual disputes

  • Acting for a company in a dispute involving a corporate guarantee of USD 5 million.

  • Acted for two companies in their claims for repayment of loans under convertible loan agreements.  The related cases are reported as iTronic Holdings Pte Ltd v Tan Swee Leon and another suit [2016] 3 SLR 663 and iTronic Holdings Pte Ltd v Tan Swee Leon [2018] 4 SLR 359.

  • Acted for an Indian conglomerate in three related suits where the cross-claims exceeded SGD 10 million.

  • Acted for an individual in a dispute concerning a personal guarantee of SGD 12 million and related proceedings in the PRC.

  • Acted for an individual in a SGD 12.25 million claim against a PRC-listed company for a failed sale & purchase of a block of shares in a Singapore public-listed company.

  • Acted for a South Korean multi-national company in a dispute involving EUR 9 million and related proceedings in Belgium.


6. Banking and financial disputes

  • Advising individuals and companies against potential complaints or actions against financial institutions.

  • Acted for two companies in a SGD 100 million claim against a private bank.

  • Acted for an Indonesian family in a USD 2 million claim against a private bank.

  • Acted for an individual in a SGD 5 million claim against a private bank.


7. Employment disputes

  • Actively advising employers and employees in employment disputes.

  • Acting for four individuals based in various countries in a multi-million dollar suit involving allegations of breach of fiduciary/employee duties and conspiracy.

  • Acted for two private bankers who were dismissed from their roles in the bank.


8. Start-up companies and investment disputes

  • Actively advising and acting for various funds and start-up companies.

  • Acting for shareholders in start-up companies in relation to their investments.


9. Arbitration

  • Acted for a company in an application for a stay of Singapore High Court proceedings in favour of arbitration in Switzerland.  The case is reported as Piallo GmbH v Yafriro International Pte Ltd [2014] 1 SLR 1028.

  • Acted for two PRC companies in enforcing a CIETAC Arbitral Award in Singapore.

  • Acted for the Claimants in a SGD 11 million international arbitration concerning a put option within a sale & purchase agreement of shares in a privately-held company.

  • Acted for a PRC-listed company who are the Respondents in an SIAC Arbitration concerning the validity of an arbitration clause within an Asset Purchase Agreement.

  • Acted for defendants-contractors of a collapsed building structure in a SGD 25 million arbitration.


10. Insurance disputes

  • Acting for a conglomerate in its multi-million dollar insurance claim against its insurers under its Directors’ and Officer’s Liability insurance policy.

  • Acted for Japanese insurers in a USD 39 million international arbitration by a major Oil & Gas company for breach of contract and negligence.

  • Acted for an international reinsurance company in a USD 25 million claim by various property owners in the Asia Pacific region for property damage and business interruption losses caused by a natural disaster. Arbitrations took place in multiple jurisdictions including Singapore and Thailand.

  • Advised a panel of international reinsurers in a USD 32.5 million claim regarding a construction project in the Philippines.

  • Acted for an international reinsurance company in a RM 10 million arbitration in Malaysia under the KLRCA Rules.

  • Singapore Counsel for an international reinsurance company defending a Singapore High Court Suit by their Korean cedants.


11. Enforcement of foreign judgments


12. Other matters


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