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Sim Chong

Advocate & Solicitor, Singapore

Sim Chong is an Advocate & Solicitor in Singapore and admitted as a Solicitor and Solicitor-Advocate in England & Wales.

Sim Chong handles a wide range of dispute resolution work, including litigation, arbitration and mediation. He specialises in complex civil and commercial disputes, particularly those involving injunctions. He has appeared before the Singapore High Court, the Court of Appeal and various arbitral tribunals on numerous occasions. He has also worked closely with Queen's Counsel and Senior Counsel on various instructions. He works regularly with international law firms and instructing solicitors as Counsel.

In 2007, Sim Chong completed the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators' Fellowship Assessment Course. He is an Accredited Mediator with the Singapore Mediation Centre, and sits as a Mediator in the Primary Dispute Resolution Centre of the State Courts of Singapore. Sim Chong is an experienced Supervising Solicitor in relation to Search Orders. 

Sim Chong contributes to the legal profession by teaching Advocacy as part of the Post-Graduate Practical Law Course since 2005. He also taught Negotiations at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore. Sim Chong was a Committee Member of the Insurance Law Association of Singapore. He has been a member of the Inquiry Panel under s 84 of the Legal Profession Act (Cap. 161) since 2011. He is fluent in English and Mandarin. 

Major matters in which Sim Chong is/was involved include:


  • Acting and advising various liquidators and judicial managers of companies.

  • Acting for an individual in a USD 9 million suit involving allegations of fraud and conspiracy, and setting aside a Mareva injunction.

  • Acting for an individual and a company in their claim against various defendants for SGD 2.8 million for fraud, and obtaining pre-and post-trial Mareva injunction orders.

  • Acting for two companies in a multi-million dollar suit involving allegations of conspiracy and issues concerning corporate insolvency. There are various reported decisions including Parakou Investment Holdings Pte Ltd and another v Parakou Shipping Pte Ltd (in liquidation) and other appeals [2018] 1 SLR 271.

  • Acting for a company in a dispute involving a corporate guarantee of USD 5 million.

  • Acted for Hanjin Shipping in its application before the Singapore Courts for recognition of Hanjin Shipping’s rehabilitation proceedings in Korea and a related injunction.  The matter is reported as Re Taisoo Suk (as foreign representative of Hanjin Shipping Co Ltd) [2016] 4 SLR 787.

  • Acted for two individuals and a Hong Kong company in a multi-million dollar claim involving allegations of fraud and conspiracy, and multiple Mareva injunctions.

  • Acting for four individuals based in various countries in a multi-million dollar suit involving allegations of breach of fiduciary/employee duties and conspiracy.

  • Acted for a solicitor in disciplinary proceedings.  This matter is reported in [2017] SGDT 6.

  • Acted for two companies in their claims for repayment of loans under convertible loan agreements.  The related cases are reported as iTronic Holdings Pte Ltd v Tan Swee Leon and another suit [2016] 3 SLR 663 and iTronic Holdings Pte Ltd v Tan Swee Leon [2018] 4 SLR 359.

  • Acted for a South Korean multi-national company in a dispute involving EUR 9 million and related proceedings in Belgium.

  • Acted for three individuals enforcing a US judgment in Singapore for USD 50 million.  The matter is reported as Alberto Justo Rodriguez Licea and others v Curacao Drydock Co, Inc [2015] 4 SLR 172.

  • Acted for an individual in a SGD 4.6 million claim involving complex fraud and a Mareva injunction.

  • Acted for a company in an application for a stay of Singapore High Court proceedings in favour of arbitration in Switzerland.  The case is reported as Piallo GmbH v Yafriro International Pte Ltd [2014] 1 SLR 1028.

  • Acted for a PRC national involving a multi-million dollar claim and Mareva injunctions in Hong Kong and Singapore.

  • Acted for an Indian conglomerate in three related suits where the cross-claims exceeded SGD 10 million.

  • Acted for two companies in a SGD 100 million claim against a private bank.

  • Acted for an individual in a dispute concerning a personal guarantee of SGD 12 million and related proceedings in the PRC.

  • Acted for two PRC companies in enforcing a CIETAC Arbitral Award in Singapore.

  • Acted for four individuals in a matter concerning complex banking fraud and a Mareva injunction.

  • Acted for a Fortune 500 company in a Singapore High Court Suit.

  • Acted for an individual in a SGD 12.25 million claim against a PRC-listed company for a failed sale & purchase of a block of shares in a Singapore public-listed company.

  • Acted for the Claimants in a SGD 11 million international arbitration concerning a put option within a sale & purchase agreement of shares in a privately-held company.

  • Acted for the Respondent in an appeal concerning a novel point of law.  The case is reported as Tan Hwee Lee v Tan Cheng Guan and another appeal and another matter [2012] 4 SLR 785.

  • Acted for an Indonesian family in a USD 2 million claim against a private bank.

  • Acted for an individual in a SGD 5 million claim against a private bank.

  • Singapore Counsel for an international reinsurance company defending a Singapore High Court Suit by their Korean cedants. 

  • Acted for a PRC-listed company who are the Respondents in an SIAC Arbitration concerning the validity of an arbitration clause within an Asset Purchase Agreement.

  • Acted for a South African company in a Singapore High Court Suit against a Singapore-listed company over payments of invoices.

  • Acted for Japanese insurers in a USD 39 million international arbitration by a major Oil & Gas company for breach of contract and negligence.

  • Acted for an international reinsurance company in a USD 25 million claim by various property owners in the Asia Pacific region for property damage and business interruption losses caused by a natural disaster. Arbitrations took place in multiple jurisdictions including Singapore and Thailand.

  • Advised a panel of international reinsurers in a USD 32.5 million claim regarding a construction project in the Philippines.

  • Acted for an international reinsurance company in a RM 10 million arbitration in Malaysia under the KLRCA Rules.

  • Acted for a public-listed company in the United Kingdom in a SGD 5.5 million shareholders' dispute.

  • Advised international reinsurers in a RM 24 million claim relating to the breakdown of a gas turbine in a power plant in Malaysia.

  • Advised insurers in an AUD 6 million claim under a Directors' & Officers' Liability insurance policy.

  • Acted for the Defendants-directors in a Singapore High Court Suit wherein the Plaintiff-company claimed SGD 20 million in damages.

  • Acted for an international shipping line in a USD 1.9 million claim against its previous agents in South Korea for breach of agreement and breach of the agents' fiduciary duties.

  • Acted for defendants-contractors of a collapsed building structure in a SGD 25 million arbitration.

  • Acted for two Defendant-directors in claims against them for breach of fiduciary duties and conspiracy. The case is reported as Hup Huat Food Industries (S) Pte Ltd v Liang Chiang Heng and Others [2003] SGHC 244.

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